background Name



  1. The impact of UX/UI usability constructs on purchase decisions for mobile food ordering applications in India. Ananya Mitra, Shankhya Debnath.
    3rd International Conference on Advanced Computing and Applications, Singapore: Springer Nature Singapore (In-Press).    


  1. A Set of Usability Constructs and Indicators for UI/UX Research on Mobile Food Ordering Applications in India. Ananya Mitra, Shankhya Debnath.
    International Conference on Data Analytics and Insights, pp. 431-441. Singapore: Springer Nature Singapore.    
  2. An approach to predict print density using scanner and regression models. Shankhya Debnath and Arpitam Chatterjee.
    Journal of Print and Media Technology Research 12, no. 2 (2023): 55-66.       


  1. Color Forum: Chasing colors. Shankhya Debnath.
    Color Research & Application.    


  1. Tall Oil Rosin: A Substitute for Gum Rosin in Development of Offset Printing Ink. Mahuya Biswas, Srabana Kundu, Shankhya Debnath.
    In NIP & Digital Fabrication Conference, vol. 34, pp. 44-48. Society for Imaging Science and Technology.       


  1. A study on the factors affecting ink-substrate interactions in maplitho papers. Mahuya Biswas, Shankhya Debnath, Munmun Dey, Srabana Kundu, Abhijit Bandyopadhyay. In NIP & Digital Fabrication Conference, vol. 33, pp. 47-53. Society for Imaging Science and Technology.       


  1. Halftone structure analysis for classifying print processes. Shankhya Debnath.
    In NIP & Digital Fabrication Conference, vol. 31, pp. 471-475. Society for Imaging Science and Technology.       


  1. Analysing Banding Features for Classifying Print Processes using Artificial Neural Networks. Shankhya Debnath, Jitamitra Bagchi
    In NIP & Digital Fabrication Conference, vol. 30, pp. 281-288. Society for Imaging Science and Technology.       

  • Legend : Journal     Conference